Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Belated Humility

I rarely go back and read my previous blog material, mainly because I have to resist the urge to edit or rewrite the stuff, or I find it unreadable. Today I checked back to see how long ago I did my first post and I was reviewing some of the first postings in December 2004.

On Christmas Eve that year, I quoted from a story called “Jacob the Baker” by Noah BenShea. A friend had shared this rather famous story, and it was my first exposure to BenShea and his series. I was very touched by the story, and I quoted extensively from it. At the bottom of the post, however, I discovered something new:

Noah BenShea had left a comment on my blog.

It took me three years to read it. Today, my blog will notify me if I get comments. But back then, I was a neophyte on my first journey into blogdom, and unless I deliberately went back to re-read a post, I didn’t read comments left on my blog.

Noah said he was honored by my quote. Three years later, I am flattered and humbled that he would read my material. And rather nonplussed that I am only now acknowledging it!

Thanks, Noah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello David,
To read your comments on my note to you is a reminder that the smallest stone dropped in the largest sea will send radiating circles onto shores we will never know.
We are each the source of the other's river.

Noah benShea